We want to offer a special thanks to the City of Valley!
We were invited to present regarding our Care Campaign at the city’s work session on February 21, 2019. We shared about the needs in our area that we look to meet and how the funds to renovate our recently purchased facility are critical to being able to offer these new program. In response, on February 25, 2019, the City Council voted to provide $10,000 to support our Care Campaign!
This puts us in a position to put the roof out to bid in the near future, so that no further damage is done due to leaks and the property will be ready for us to begin additional work.
Again, we can’t thank enough the City of Valley, Mayor Riley, and all the City Council Members for their continued generous support.
For more on the City of Valley, Click Here.
To contribute to our Care Campaign or to learn more: Click Here.