Care Campaign Now Officially Begun!

It’s December 1st, and the Care Campaign has now officially begun!

You may be thinking, “That’s great for the Circle of Care, but what does that mean for me?” While for us, this means the next step toward relocating to a new building for more space, for you it means the next step in us being able to work toward providing services to meet critical needs in our area.

For example, we have a fair amount of mental health and substance abuse issues. We have been talking with Auburn University, and they are excited about the prospect of having a satellite of their counseling therapy center where the cost is income based.

Also, we have a large need for transportation resources, especially to get to and from work. We have been talking with East Alabama Regional Planning about ways of meeting those needs.

Over time, this facility will allow us to pursue these and others such as a business incubator and expanded parenting and workforce development resources.

For you, it means a stronger area that is even better for families. It means stronger, healthier, happier families and thus brighter futures for our children.

See our video below to learn more about the campaign, and click here to give.


The Circle of Care will be closed on Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day Holiday